I have a good excuse though - actually a few :-) As if prepping for brain surgery isn't enough to deal with, we ended up at Children's hospital with my 11 year old son last week. I had my pre-op appointment not too far from my Mom's so I decided to take the kids down there to see her. Who knows how long it will be again before I can make the 2 hour drive. While down there, Josh ended up doubled over in pain and a hospital trip became on our agenda. The original hospital didn't have a pediatric surgeon so they sent us to Children's hospital, via ambulance. After a long, sleepless night (screaming babies!) they told me his appendix needed to come out.
He was discharged late that night, which meant a long drive back to my Mom's to get my other kids and my Danes, then back home. In the two days we were down there, I got MAYBE 3 hours sleep total. I was done when we got home! The next day I re-cooped some of my sleep though with lots of napping and the slept like a baby last night, for like 12 hours with only one wake up. WHEW!
He is doing very well and hoping to go to school tomorrow. He hasn't had any pain meds in two days. YAY!
Now we are down to the final countdown. Surgery is this Thursday and I am not ready and ready at the same time. I want this done but am so afraid of the recovery :-( Sometimes information can be a blessing but sometimes, well, it can scare the crap out of you! I have read so many horror stories. Not much I can do but pray at this point.
My biggest wish is honestly that had let me do the back surgery first. My lower pain causes me more issues than the Chiari but the Chiari has me in danger of loosing the function of my right hand so it must be done first. Slim chance the Chiari surgery will help the lower back, a girl can wish though right? I just want my life back.....
TEN YEARS Post Brain Surgery ~ Reflection
6 years ago
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