Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not EVERYTHING is Chiari

Just rambling now. When you have a disorder as odd and invisible as Chiari, with symptoms wrecking havoc on virtually every part of your body, it is easy to blame everything on Chiari. For so long, I blamed all my symptoms on a multitude of oddities. I had an "excuse" for every symptom since the Doctors didn't seem to have a clue, now I am the opposite. How does one balance it all? Yet again, that word is this blog.

Yesterday I woke up feeling like a truck hit me. My back hurt, I ached all over, was exhausted and had hot/cold flashes all day. Of course I said it's recovery or Chiari related. How easy it is to blame the disorder. Until my 11 YO, who didn't know of my temperature issues complained of the same symptoms. So, a simple bug and here I was blaming Chiari. Not a big deal, just made me wonder. Does it ever go away? Will I ever have a day where that word doesn't enter my head? It must, I did have a few hours where my neck felt normal. First time since surgery where I couldn't feel any pain or any trace of surgery. So it must - right?

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